THE PROVIDER  sends its products through courier companies contracted for this purpose, with which it maintains the corresponding contracts that regulate the necessary data processing, limited to the specific purpose of managing and sending the item to the user, as reported in the Privacy Policy (link here) . Therefore, your data will be transferred as it is necessary for the provision of the service, and only for the purpose of serving you the product previously purchased on our website, which is completely necessary for the shipment of the article.

THE PROVIDER will put all its effort for the rapid delivery of orders, putting all its efforts in the solution of each incident that may arise. In no case may the user request responsibilities of any kind from THE PROVIDER  for possible delays in delivery in case of circumstances of force majeure, understood as any circumstance that makes delivery impossible and that could not have been foreseen by any of the parties.

The delivery of orders will be made at the address freely designated by the user. HE LENDER  does not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product or service is not carried out due to the fact that the data provided by the user is false, inaccurate or incomplete.

The client will assume the risk of any damage caused to the product from the moment of delivery.

Delivery term

The delivery time will be, in those orders to be delivered in the Peninsula, within a period not exceeding 48 working hours. from the placing of the order. This order delivery period will be specified in each order, depending on what the user has selected.

There is the option for the order to be delivered in a shorter period, conditioned to certain items, which will be specified in the product description, the user being aware of this in advance, and accepting the specific sales conditions that apply to each of the articles prior to making the payment. In the same way, in the post-contractual conditions a summary of the order will be collected once it is completed.

For shipments to customers located in the Islands, Ceuta or Melilla, the minimum delivery period will be 48 working hours, with a maximum of 72 working hours from the order being placed.

Nevertheless, THE PROVIDER  informs that exceptionally said period may be longer than that specified in the order, due to circumstances of force majeure. The user will be notified of this end at all times, who will retain their right to claim in any case, corresponding THE PROVIDER  accredit the case of force majeure that is alleged.




The following criteria are established in shipping costs:

Shipping Peninsular Spain: Up to 0.9 Kg from €5.90 from 0.9 Kg to 2 Kg €9.90.

Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla

  • Shipments up to 2 kg: €14.95

In this case, the final consumer must also pay the expenses corresponding to Customs management, as well as the liquidation of their corresponding taxes.

Orders with store pickup will have no additional cost.

In case of free shipping, it will be previously specified. In case of not indicating otherwise, the shipping costs, which will appear reflected both in the pre-contractual document available to the user, and in the one generated after the purchase, will be those indicated in the previous paragraphs.


The prices applicable to each product will be those published on the website through the corresponding catalogs, which may be consulted at any time, being the same price of the products from start to finish of purchase, and said price cannot vary in any way. case by THE PROVIDER during the purchase process.

The prices indicated for each product include Value Added Tax (VAT)  or other taxes that may be applicable and, in any case, will be expressed in the Euro currency. Said expenses, unless expressly indicated otherwise, They do not include the costs of shipping, handling, packaging, shipping insurance or any other additional services and annexes to the product or service purchased, of which in any case the user will be previously informed.

All payments made to THE PROVIDER  will lead to the issuance of an invoice in the user's name, which will be sent to the email address provided by the user.

For any information about the order, as we have informed, the user can send an email , and we will respond as soon as possible.


In the event that the delivery of the order is not possible on several occasions, (it will be attempted 2 times, plus two telephone calls in case of absence) or we do not have indications on your part of collection at the offices of our courier, you have a within 7 calendar days to pick it up, or contact us to give you pick-up instructions at our courier offices. Otherwise, the product will be returned to our facilities, after which a new communication will be sent to you, giving you a period of 14 calendar days to respond and indicate the new shipping instructions. In this case, the shipping costs will be borne by the user, as well as those generated from the return.

If after the aforementioned 14 calendar days without news from you, said order will be canceled, without you being entitled to any refund of the price paid.